Managing Diabetes

Managing Diabetes

Managing Your Diabetes: What You Eat Can Help

A diabetes diagnosis can be overwhelming for the person receiving the news. However, one of the most positive aspects of this disease is that there are things you can do to help yourself feel better and live a happier life. This article aims to provide you with the information you need to adjust your diet and positively impact your condition.

When considering their diet, the first thing that diabetics often think is that they will have to significantly reduce the amount of carbohydrates that they eat. This is simply not true, although carbs will have an effect on your blood sugar levels. You do need to be careful with respect to the kind and the amount of carbohydrates you are consuming, however.

Try to managing diabetes with eat very little rice, pasta, candy and soda; these carbohydrates are highly refined. Turn your attention instead to foods that are known as “slow-release” carbs. These items take longer to digest, which means they do not cause a big change in your blood sugar levels. Things like brown rice, sweet potatoes and cereal with a lot of fiber in them all fall into this category.

Another misconception that people have about managing diabeties is that they think they have to cut all the sugar out of their diet. In fact, there is nothing wrong with indulging in a reasonable amount of dessert every once in a while. It is important to limit yourself, however, and to be smart about what you are eating.

If you know that you want to eat something sweet, make small modifications to your meal. Forgo a carbohydrate, such as mashed potatoes or pasta, because your dessert will also have carbs in it. Make sure to also eat your dessert as part of your meal instead of consuming it all on its own. If you eat something sweet when it is not meal time, your blood sugar levels may rise. This does not usually happen when the dessert is eaten at the same time as other foods.

Try to increase the amount of fish you are eating; ideally, have this meal once or twice a week. Fish will help you stay away from meats that are high in fat. Halibut and tuna are both good choices. Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, are also good for your heart. Pay attention to the type of fish you are selecting for your meals, though; you do not want fried fish or fish that has a lot of mercury in it.

Once you understand what to eat and what to stay away from, you need to focus on how you eat. It is important to schedule your meals at the same time each day and to try and not deviate from that schedule very much. Consistency in this area can help regulate your blood sugar levels.

In most cases, it is not as hard as it seems to effectively manage diabetes. However, remember to always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle. Once you get their permission, use the tips in this article to get control of your diabetes.