Type two diabetes diet

The importance of a healthy diet cannot be stressed enough. Getting on a healthy type two diabetes diet is an essential part of treatment. Many times a healthy diet is the only treatment you will need as time goes on and your diabetes becomes more and more controlled.

diabetic diet foods

Tips for type two diabetes diets:

Have your meals in time. Don’t miss any meal but strive to have it at any cost as scheduled. Frequent meal in measured quantities is recommended to maintain blood glucose level.

  • Add fresh vegetables with your daily meal plan. The vegetables with fiber content should be eaten as much as you can. Some vegetables like carrot, beats and cucumber are most nutritious when eaten raw.
  • Add greens as side dish and avoid root vegetables with more carbohydrate content.
  • Have boiled foods and avoid fried as well as fast foods. When the foods are prepared by boiling, the vitamins are preserved without loss.
  • Eat fruits with low calories which include apple, guava, orange and red grapes. A handful of salads will do well for diabetics of type two.
  • Use fatless oil. Olive oil is always good. Limit the volume of oil by 2 to 3 spoons for a day. If it exceeds the limit, your blood pressure may get increased.
  • Avoid direct sugar and high sugary food items.
  • Avoid ice creams and sugar added fruit juice.
  • Use skimmed milk and avoid sugary butter added snack.
  • Chicken is better than meat. Fish varieties may be consumed as much as you can.

The first rule in a type two diabetes diet is to eat at regularly scheduled times. This helps your body become regulated and less prone to sugar surges and bottoms. The rest of the plan is simply concentrating on eating healthier. Add in plenty of fruits and vegetables and eat all foods moderately. Your diet doesn’t have to be boring simply regulated.


  • Two slices of whole wheat toast/ 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • Cup of coffee or tea
  • A whole banana/ apple/ peach…. Any kind of fruit


  • Lean Roast Beef
  • Two slices of whole wheat
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard
  • Cup of steamed cauliflower or broccoli
  • Cup of tea or coffee


  • Skinless chicken breast cooked in olive oil
  • Two thirds cup of cooked wild rice
  • 1 Cup vegetable of your choice
  • Lemon water or 1% low fat milk to drink

It is also advisable to eat at least to healthy snacks in between meals. Snacks should be light and not loaded with carbohydrates. Try a half-cup cottage cheese and fruit or half cup yogurt with a cup of herbal tea or coffee. The key to the entire diet is moderation. Use the same portion amounts for each meal and you will go a long way toward regulating your caloric intake.

Foods For Diabetics to Avoid

Since diabetes is already a global epidemic, it is not surprising to find foods and other supplements ideal for the recipe of a blood sugar patient. However, many physicians will tell you that purchasing such diabetic food products without planning can be detrimental as well. If you don’t look closely, these products could be high in fat, and worse, even expensive.

foods for diabetics to avoid

The chief concern while monitoring and controlling diabetes is to see that the sugar level does not cross the normal range. This means that one needs to cut down on certain types of food and consume regularly those foods, which are good at regulating diabetes.

People with diabetes should try to maintain a healthy weight and eat a diet that is:

  • low in fat
  • low in sugar
  • low in salt
  • high in fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day)
  • high in starchy carbohydrate foods, such as bread, chapatti, rice.

There is no such food that people with diabetes should never eat. In addition, there is no need to cut out all sugar. But, people with diabetes should try and eat only small amounts of foods that are high in sugar, fat. So, if you have diabetes you can treat yourself to cakes and biscuits once a blue moon, as part of a balanced diet.

What foods to eat?

  • A diabetic patient must eat lots of fruits and vegetables in which fibre content is very high. Such type of food lowers the requirement for insulin, the reason being it releases energy into the body cells slowly. A high fibre diet means more chromium, which is very helpful in the treatment of diabetes.
  • As for vegetables, onion, garlic, ginger, radish, spinach, kale, cucumber, carrot, tomato, cabbage and cucumber are excellent in the treatment of diabetes. Moong, kidney beans which have been sprouted, and unripe banana which is cooked, are also recommended.
  • Fenugreek seeds which have been soaked in water are good for diabetic patients.
  • For fruits, take guava, Indian blackberry (jamun), fig, kiwi fruit, apples, citrus fruits and pomegranate juice. Let these things be a part of your morning breakfast. Since, fruit juice is high in fructose (fruit sugar) and can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly, it’s best for diabetics to drink fruit juice with a meal and avoid having more than one small glass a day.
  • Replace white sugar with palm sugar, dates and honey, if you want to have something sweet.
  • Unpolished rice, sprouted grain should be taken in moderate quantity.
  • Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are good in diabetes.
  • Drink plenty of water, at least 8 to 10 glasses per day.
  • Single helping of fish or seafood, as it provides omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Condiments such as pepper, chilli, mustard, herbs and spices.
  • Raw vegetables need to be taken in large quantity, as cooked food raises the level of blood sugar fast.
  • Eat non-fat dairy such as skim milk, non-fat yogurt and non-fat cheese, plain yoghurt, avoid cottage cheese a sit is high in carbohydrates.
  • Some herbs and vegetables are specifically prescribed for diabetes, like Bitter Gourd and bitter melon juice.
    What to avoid?
  • Processed foods, white sugar, white flour and junk food, must be totally given up. Avoid sweets, glucose, fruit sugar, cakes, ice cream, chocolates, soft drinks, cream and fried foods.
  • Anything that contains harmful preservatives and too much salt should be avoided.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Try and abstain from sweets, ice-creams and chocolates, including the so-called sugar-free types.
  • Foods made from white flour, rye, corn, polished rice, bread, pasta, pastry, cakes, biscuits, pies.
  • Starchy vegetables such as potatoes in particular; and go easy with beet, carrots, peas, beans.
  • Avoid concentrated dairy products, such as khoya, kheer, cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Fruits such as bananas, mango, grapes, strawberry, custard apple, date.
  • Cottage cheese (except in small amounts)
  • Avoid commercially packaged foods such as fast foods, chips, ready-to-eat foods, snack foods and “health foods.”
  • Fruit juices, as these are much higher in carbohydrates than fresh fruit. Moreover, they also lack in dietary fibre.

When on a diabetic diet, you should stay away from red meats, eggs, as well as whole-milk dairy products. Diabetic diets work better when the dairy in your life comes from low-fat or fat-free selections.

10-20% of your daily calories on a diabetic diet should come from proteins in foods, such as lean meat, fish, and low-fat dairy products. The rest of a diabetic diet should consist of carbohydrates coming from whole grains, beans, as well as fresh vegetables and fruit.

Overall, there is no official diabetic diet to follow and it really depends on the individual diabetic. If you are able to work closely with a dietician, doctor, or nutritionist, you will be able to find a balance within your diabetic diet and exercise routine.

Diabetes Meal Plans

Being diagnosed with diabetes is something that can drastically change your life. Unfortunately, many people do not take that information seriously, and they do not make lifestyle changes. Follow the suggestion in the following article to get your diabetes under control.

Diabetes Meal Plans

What are Diabetes Meal Plans?

To assist you in determining which foods to choose for meals and snacks, a diabetes meal plan acts as a guide.

You can shape your eating around your own life schedule as well as around the foods you like to eat. A good quality eating regime will focus on improving your blood glucose level, as well as your blood pressure and cholesterol. Ultimately you will also want a plan that aims to help to either to lose weight, or to maintain a healthy weight. A meal plan makes all of these goals significantly easier and hassle free.

How to Create a Diabetes Meal Plan

Creating this sort of plan may seem like hard or difficult work, but it is not. Your doctor and nutritionist can advise you on your food choices as well as portion size recommendations. It is very much a case of trial and error in the starting stages.

With that said though, it does not mean you trial a junk food diet! Obviously that is not a good idea. Instead, it means trying various portion sizes, food items, food ratios and eating routines.

How To Keep Diabetes Under Control

Keep a journal of all of your blood sugar levels. Make sure to include all of the foods you eat as well. This is a good idea because you can pinpoint the foods that cause spikes in your glucose levels. Once you know what to avoid, you should be able to keep your sugar levels at a steady level.

Never skip meals, because it will cause your blood glucose levels to spike. It is very important for people with diabetes to keep their blood sugar levels at a steady level. Skipping meals makes you feel hungrier, which means you are more likely to overeat when you have your next meal. This will cause your blood sugar levels to increase much more than it should.

When it is time for a snack, make sure that you do not eat it directly out of the bag it came in. Your intention may be to eat just one portion, but you will most likely eat more than the recommended serving size. Portion control is very important for diabetics, since eating too much can increase sugar levels. When you buy large bags of snacks, make sure to measure out each portion you intend to eat.

Stay active, even if it means going for a walk around the block a few times. Many people with diabetes have circulatory issues, and that is sometimes caused by a lack of physical activity. Do your best to find activities you enjoy, so it will feel more like fun, and less like a chore.

Diets For Diabetics

Diets For Diabetics

Diet and Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetics.

Diabetes is a very serious illness. It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that you have been diagnosed with a chronic, life-long incurable disease. The good news, however, is that being diagnosed with diabetes does mean that your life is over. By taking care of your health, and eating healthy in particular, it is possible to live a long, fulfilling life with diabetes. Remember, as a diabetic you are responsible for the state of your health. You can talk to doctors and nutritionists and get great diet advice, but only you control the foods that you put in your mouth. Everyone on the planet should eat healthy, but as a diabetic, you simply must eat a good diet if you want to avoid diabetes complications. This article contains a number of healthy eating tips to help you control your diabetes.

Diabetes affects blood sugar levels. So, as a diabetic, one of the most important diet tips to follow is to monitor the sugar that you eat. Having diabetes means that your diet cannot included large amounts of cakes, pastries, cookies or sweets. Avoiding high sugar foods will help your health a great deal.

As a diabetic, it is important that you educate yourself on the different types of carbohydrates, and the affects they have on your body. Slow digesting carbs, found in oatmeal and whole grains, are great to eat. Fast digesting carbs, found in white breads, spike insulin levels and are very unhealthy. Stick to eating natural whole grains and avoid refined carbohydrates.

Track the amount of fat you are eating on a daily basis. Unsaturated fats, found in nuts and extra virgin olive oil, are actually good for you and should be consumed in adequate amounts. Saturated fats, however, cause many health problems if they are eaten in large amounts. Trans fats, are completely unhealthy, and should be totally avoided. Eat a low fat diet to improve your health.

Eat plenty of green vegetables. Fresh green veggies offer a number of health benefits,they are filled with vitamins and minerals, are low in calories and do not negatively impact blood sugar levels. Eat a salad every day, just remember to use a low calorie dressing.

Oatmeal is another great food for diabetics. It is a slow digesting carbohydrate that does not negatively impact blood sugar levels, is great for your heart and is filled with plenty of protein. A healthy bowl of oatmeal eaten in the morning will fill up your stomach and prevent you from being tempted to overeat on junk food later in the day.

In addition to eating healthy whole foods, remember to pay attention to the liquids that you drink. Soda is filled with sugar and must be avoided at all costs. Also, remember to stay away from fruit juices, although they may seem healthy, they are usually loaded with simple sugars that will spike your insulin levels. Drink plenty of water to keep your body fit, healthy and properly hydrated.

As a diabetic, you must eat a healthy diet, your life literally depends on it. By eating healthy and nutritious foods, you can avoid diabetes complications and live a great life.